芬奇 经典台词

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芬奇 经典台词

2024-07-16 21:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我知道你昨天才来到这个世界上,但你该长大了!I know you were born yesterday, but it's time for you to grow up!

一个人的一小步,是芬奇温伯格的巨大一步。One small step for man...one giant leap for Finch Weinberg.

我们人类就是充满各种矛盾,你已经可以跟我说出,金门大桥上有多少颗铆钉,用了多长的悬索,桥有多高,但是只有当你站在上面,看到它的美,听到悬索在风中歌唱…这是一种体验,是一种人类的体验,不只是想象,而是生活。Like, we humansare full of contradictions. You see, you can already tell me how many rivetsare in the Golden Gate Bridge. And how many miles of cable were usedand how high it is. But it's not until you actuallystand on it and see the beauty, and listen to the suspension cablessinging in the wind...That's experience. That's human experience. It's not just imagining, it's living.

在我小时候  这些田地开满了野花,芥菜籽、苜蓿  放眼望去五彩缤纷,到了夏天还有蜜蜂,你一定会很喜欢的。When I was a kid, these fieldswere covered with wildflowers. Mustard seed, alfalfa.Color as far as the eye could see. And in summertime, there were bees. You would've loved it.

第一课:永远不放过获得下一顿饭的机会,尤其是当你有一只饥饿的小狗等着吃饭。第二课:看上面,天空有很多洞,就像瑞士芝士一样。第三课:永远不要故意毁坏他人的物品。第四课:发挥主观能动性。第五课:享受生活。Lesson number one. Never pass on the opportunityfor your next meal. Especially when you havea hungry dog to feed.And lesson number two...Up there, there are holes in the sky. It's like Swiss cheese.Lesson number three is: Never willfully destroysomebody else's property.Lesson number four: Use your initiative.Lesson number five: Live a little.

再见了,臭氧层。再见了,阳光洒在脸上的感觉。植被、庄稼和粮食,一切都永别了。Goodbye, ozone.Goodbye, feeling the sun on your face. Vegetation and crops and food.Goodbye, everything.




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